


Art 2

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This course is an advanced Art study for students who want to continue to grow as artists. Students will focus on creating show projects that challenge their current abilities. Many mediums will be repeated in order for students to work toward mastery. Art History is added to the curriculum so that students have an opportunity […]



Art 1

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This course is designed to show students an appreciation for God and His design. Students will be introduced to a variety of Art fundamentals focusing on drawing and painting. They will be introduced to a variety of mediums while studying the uses of color as well as black and white. The curriculum for this course […]



ASL Ministry

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This class will introduce students to basic American Sign Language for the purpose of ministering in song, poetry, and scripture to enhance worship experiences during chapel and various events.



Advanced Yearbook/Journalism

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This elective course is an introduction to basic yearbook principles for students who want to work in the various areas of journalistic publication. A student must possess photography, writing, art, and/or good organizational skills in order to be successful in this course. Each student will be required to meet the specific deadlines and seek advertisements […]



Art Studio

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This is a rigorous high-level art course offered to highly motivated Seniors who have taken Art 1, 2, and 3 (Honors). Coursework is designed to build mastery in technique, composition/design, research, experimentation, and creative problem-solving. Critical thinking, objective analysis of artwork, and the ability to communicate in the language of art will be developed and […]



Art 3

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Honors Art is for art students who are motivated learners and who are serious about developing their ability to communicate their ideas, thoughts, and feelings in visual form. In this course, students will develop portfolio-level artwork. Students will still work on their Art skills to rise to the next level. They will also be able […]



Constitutional Law

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This course will introduce students to the constitutional foundations of the law and it will examine critical issues confronting the nation from the perspective of constitutional legal dictates. Landmark Supreme Court cases will be analyzed and the impact of these decisions on American society will be evaluated. This course also will foster students’ ability to […]



Business Law

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This course will introduce students to how the law works with real court cases in the major areas of cyber law, business and consumer law, and international/global law. Among the topics that students will study in depth are contract law, employment law, corporate law, and consumer law. Other aspects of law which will be explored […]




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This course will introduce the students to basic micro and macroeconomics with a focus on supply and demand concepts, the factors of production and the business cycle. Students will learn about economic problems in the Unites States. While this course is primarily focused on economics as a whole, it will also cover important topics such […]



Art 2

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Art 2 is a more advanced discipline. Students will learn skills that will enhance their Art abilities while they are challenged to expand their creativity. They will be introduced to new mediums. They will also be required to begin purchasing their own supplies so they can work independently outside o class. Eventually, they will work […]