- Recognition and writing 0-1,000,000,000
- Word names: zero-one billion
- Roman numerals:
- Ordinals: first-ninety ninth
- Place value: ones to hundred million
- Compare even and odd numbers
- Round to nearest ten, hundred, and thousand
- Counting by 1s, 5s, 10s, 100s, 1,000s, 10,000s, and 100,000s
- Counting to 50 by 2s, to 30 by 3s, to 40 by 4s, to 60 by 6s, to 70 by 7s, to 80 by 8s, and to 90 by 9s
- 100 basic addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts and 90 basic division facts
- Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division fact families
- 4-digit addends, subtrahend, minuends, factors
- Column addition, take-away, comparison, missing addend, multiples
- Repeated addition and subtraction
- Order, grouping, and zero principles
- Word problems
- Currency
- Three 1-digit factors, 1-digit times 2-digit
- Multiplication-addition principle, partitive
- Negative numbers (temperature)
- Front end estimation and rounding for addition, subtraction, multiplication
- Measurement: capacity, weight, temperature, time, time zones, timeline, calendar, logic, graphs, tables, charts, map skills
- Probability, too much/too little information, two-step
- Pictograph, tallies, magic squares, palindromes, flow chart,for/next statements, associativity
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing, Publisher