- Recognize and write 0-100
- Word names: zero-nine hundred ninety-nine
- Place value: ones, tens; compare; round to nearest ten, hundred
- Counting: to 100 by 1s, 5s, and 10s; to 50 by 2s; to 30 by 3s; to 40 by 4s
- Addition of 100 basic facts, three-digit addends, column addition, money
- Subtraction of 100 basic facts, three-digit subtrahend, and minuend, zero principle, currency
- Fractions: equal parts; halves, thirds, fourths of objects; halves of sets
- Shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle
- Solid figures: sphere, rectangular solid, cylinder cone; perimeter; patterns
- Estimate numbers and length: inch, centimeter; volume: liter; weight: pound; mass: kilogram; time: hour
- Measure size, length, capacity, weight, mass, temperature, time, calendar, currency
- Problem solving: word problems, tables, charts, and, pictograph
- Statistics: bar graphs, tallies
- Calculators: addition, subtraction.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing, Publisher